1-800-222-TIPS (8477)
See Something. Hear Something. Say Something
“Be advised, if your intent is to use our reporting platform as an avenue to threaten or cause harm to any person, place or thing; or for any other illegal purpose other than to legitimately report a crime you will not be protected by Crime Stoppers privilege.”
Crime Stoppers is a non-profit, community-based charitable program involving the cooperative efforts of the community, the media and the police in the fight against crime. Crime Stoppers encourages the public to call with information concerning crimes that have been committed, are being committed or are about to be committed.
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Call 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), our toll-free tip line, any time day or night, or submit a tip online at www.peelcrimestoppers.ca
Your information will be taken in strict confidence. You never have to give your name.